Today was monday, so I had basketball camp in the morning. After that we ate lunch, and Deb, Grandma and I went to the store to buy stuff for dinner. When we got back, Deb got Ralph to help us get the giant arbor out of Deb's shop, and once we got it out, we started working on some finishing touches on it.... After we worked on the arbor for a while, we took the dogs on a walk down the homestead trail. I got some pretty cool pictures from that hike ;)

When we got back, Ralph had already fixed dinner, something we had planned on doing, but the hike took a bit longer than we'd thought.. After eating, we played a couple games of hillbilly golf, with Ralph and Papa being the undefeated team. **Thanks, Papa for taking these pictures and letting me copy them from your camera ;)

Basketball, two meals, a hike, and hillbilly golf -- that must have really worn you out. How are you enjoying your life of leisure? I thought this was boot camp!