Friday, June 25, 2010

Day 14

This morning I had basketball, then, when I got back, we ate lunch, and then Deb, Ralph and I went on a hike :)

When we got back, I went and finished sanding my bat and I woodburned my signature on the bottom, we're going to put some finishing oil stuff on it.


  1. Love your choice of pictures. Makes me feel like I am on the hike with you. Great picture of the wild flower. Says a lot with the straw (?) underneath. Another nice book cover. Looks there is no end to the beautiful scenery. Makes for a good memory book.

  2. Are we going to get to see a picture of the bat?

  3. Grandma that's there because the trail is slippery, so it gives people some footing, some must've gotten into the flowers..

    not yet im not DONEEE
