Friday, July 2, 2010

Day 21

Alright, so this morning I had basketball, and then in the afternoon, we went out to Deb's shop and I worked on my bowl for a while, and got part of it rounded off, which took a LONG time! That piece of wood is so off centered it's not even funny.... (but we all know it is ;)

Anyways, after we worked in Deb's shop for a while, Deb and Ralph headed off to the Canada Day party, and I hung out with Grandma and Papa, eating some pizza and having some intense rounds of Scrabble and Boggle.

Sorry, no pictures again guys... :/ I've really got to be taking some more, I'll try to be better for the next two weeks or so that I'm staying here!

So yep, another day done!

/// OH and there apparently were some clarity issues about the bike ride yesterday, I DID make it this year, not last year. I think I worded it wrong, but if you were wondering, I hade it this year no problem, but I seriously had to redeem my last year's self.


  1. Maybe you could take some pictures of 'downtown'. I know Grandma would like to see the way, I ordered your SCHOOL books today...they should be ready and waiting for you when you get home. :) Bunny says 'hi'. Milo defended Einstein against a Winston attack...I was pretty impressed!

  2. Whew, I'm all worn out reading about your activities. Basketball, hiking, bike riding, the spit run, fishing, woodworking, etc. etc. Need to be rested and in shape. Yes, I am curious to see the Homer area. i.e the school bldg. the businesses downtown, and also the homes in the area. Would also like to see all the art work that is in the art show. Sounds like a tall order, but do what you can. You know me, like to have a complete picture. Great job so far!!

  3. Been busy? It's Sunday already!! And you have Zoe to help! Hi Zoe. It's time both of you post. We want to know what's going on!

  4. Just so you know....we've got another baby bird...jeepers! He was hopping around the yard this morning, put him in a bush but his mom never showed up. He's in that old bird cage we had...gave him some water and wet dog food from a dropper, seemed ok with it....probably have to make a trip to the pet store tomorrow.....yippee.....
