Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Day 19

Today, we went fishing! But we didn't catch anything... :( Oh well, there's always next time!

Here are some pictures of some seagulls that were following us for a while, and we ended up feeding them what little chewed up bait we had left, before coming back in and eating lunch

After lunch, I went to Deb's shop to work on some projects, and MAYBE start my bowl, well, one of my cribbage boards was sprayed, so it's pretty much done, and I might even start MY bowl, I don't think I said, but that other one was an amazing bowl that Deb was working on, not me :) It's really cool thbough and it's made from some type of birch, which is coming along very nicely.

MY bowl, which is about a billion inches smaller than Deb's, is out of walnut, and I'm going to turn it on the lathe (sp?) However, I ended up not starting it, so you'll just have to wait!

After lunch, we had to take the beach totems and the beach ball and the arbor down to Ptarmigan, so that took a good.. half hour- 45 mins, and they look awesome in there! The arbor ended up not being WAY to big, like we had expected it to be.

After we went to Ptarmigan, Deb and I went on a shorter hike with the dogs, and went to Grandma and Papa's for some dinner. After dinner we started a movie and then went to bed.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Day 18

Okay, so today I had basketball camp. and while I was there, Ralph and Papa went down to Coal point and gor all of our halibut that we were storing there.
After camp we ate lunch, and contemplated the rest of our day.......I decided to go out to Deb's shop and start on some other project, I came up with some pretty cool ideas!!

For instance, I'm going to do a really cool woodburning piece out of spruce that I had found in the burning pile, thank goodness it hadn't been thrown in the fire!!!! After that, we came back to the house and ate dinner, and then I decided to get caught up on the blog so that's pretty much what I'm doing right now ;)

Day 17

No pictures today, sorry guys :/

Deb , Papa, and I were in Deb's shop for most ofthe day, I finished a cribbage board I had made, and Deb sprayed my bat one more time. Then, I got started polanning out a newproject.. I'm going to turn a bowl :) It's going to be pretty!!

The whole thing started because I had finished my bat, and had realized that I had no more projects1 Grandma's plant sand is going to be put on hold for a while, because that's going to take way too much time, and I don't have that kind of time ;)

Abyway, that's pretty much what the day was like, time flew by as I continued drilling the holes on he board made out of really pretty birch....

So.... yeah :)

Day 16

IM SOO SORRY people...

My laptop has come down with a virus :'( So I've been spending a lot of time trying to figure out how to make it work again. However, I'm going to blog for the last few days all at once here, so I don't get behind like what happened last year... hehhhh...


Spit Run today!!!

We woke up, ate breakfast, and then Ralph and I went down to the high school (also the start of the race) and got our numbers, then we came back and got dressed for success! (.....) anyway, Ralph got first place in his age division!! Deb got about halfway up the list on her age division, which is reaslly good because there were a LOT of in-shape people in her age division!! I got 5th place out of 13 (oh... right, I didnt say.. I beat Deb ;)

When we got back, Deb informed us that she had popped a blood vessel in her calf, so s

he was on the couch and ate lunch there while watching the overtime in the soccer game (which was a bummer, but their defense was really good.....)

the rest of the day we spent lounging around...

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Day 15

Today Deb, Ralph and I went on a hike at Diamond Creek, which was starting uphill. downhill to the beach, then back uphill to the car.

After lunch, Deb, Grandma and I went to Ptarmigan, and then Save U more to get a chicken for dinner

I finished my bat!!!!!!! :) :) :)

Once my bat was done we went to Grandma and Papa's to play a game of cards (that I oh-so-skillfully won ;) and then we came back across the driveway and watched a documentary :) SPIT RUN TOMORROW, WOO-WOO!!!

Friday, June 25, 2010

Day 14

This morning I had basketball, then, when I got back, we ate lunch, and then Deb, Ralph and I went on a hike :)

When we got back, I went and finished sanding my bat and I woodburned my signature on the bottom, we're going to put some finishing oil stuff on it.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Day 13

We went fishing today! We only got 4 fish today, they just weren't biting, but they were a pretty good size!!.... After we got back, I helped Ralph clean fish, and then Deb and I finished the arbor :)

Once we finished the arbor, I went to Coal Point with Ralph and Papa to get a picture of the Eagle's nest that's up there, then Deb and I rode bikes down to Ptarmigan.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Day 12

I didn't get any pictures today, sorry.....

Today I had basketball camp in the morning, and when I got back, I finished my bat while Deb and Ralph were emptying the garage, then Deb and I finished the arbor.

After that, all of us went down to the reservoir and went kayaking and canoeing with the dogs, then we had some AMAZINGG bean soup made by Grandma.

Yep.. I'll have more pictures tomorrow to make up for the lack of... well, EVERYTHING on today's post ;)

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Day 11

Today was monday, so I had basketball camp in the morning. After that we ate lunch, and Deb, Grandma and I went to the store to buy stuff for dinner. When we got back, Deb got Ralph to help us get the giant arbor out of Deb's shop, and once we got it out, we started working on some finishing touches on it.... After we worked on the arbor for a while, we took the dogs on a walk down the homestead trail. I got some pretty cool pictures from that hike ;)

When we got back, Ralph had already fixed dinner, something we had planned on doing, but the hike took a bit longer than we'd thought.. After eating, we played a couple games of hillbilly golf, with Ralph and Papa being the undefeated team. **Thanks, Papa for taking these pictures and letting me copy them from your camera ;)

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Day 10

TODAYY was Father's Day!! Happy belated Father's Day to any of the fathers reading this :)

We went out to an amazing filling breakfast for Papa, then afterwards Deb and I worked on the arbor pretty much all day, and we got it pretty close to done!! Here are some pictures of that..

After we worked on the arbor, we split wood! I think that that statement speaks for itself so I'll just post pictures ;)

Day 9


Today Deb and I worked on another art project, an arbor. We made it out of freshly-cut alder and it's coming along pretty nice! We have an unfinished seat on it, and we're now in the process of trying to make the arch right so it fits well into the arched doorway at Ptarmigan Arts, which is where a show we're in will be held.

After we worked on the arbor for a while, Ralph came over and all of us were splitting wood **credits to Papa who took a lot of these pictures