Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Day 5

Today at about 6:45am, Deb came upstairs and told me that there was a mama moose and her two babies about 50 feet away from the window!! I dashed downstairs (alliteration ;) and saw what was the matter (i dunno who caught that but it's from that Christmas show.. if that makes any sence... like "not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse" .....oh whatever I've carried this on for too long ;) ANYWAYS, I got some pretty good pictures and a good video from my safe spot from behind the window :)

About 45 minutes later, we saw the pheasants in the yard! the whole family, however this year they only have one baby :( Even so, there were some AWEESSOOOMMMEEE pistures that came from them too ;)

I had basketball camp again today, starting at 10:00am and going till noon, then on the way back Papa and I went shopping st the grocery store. Then Deb went to her shop, and I intended to be there "in a sec" because something interesting came on with the news. WELL. I had gotten pretty involved with the news, and about 3 hours later I rushed to Deb's shop, not dressed for the job. Nonetheless, I started working on the lathe, and got my bat a little bit better. After that, I swept up my 3 day continuous mess of sawdust piling up on the floor, and we all had salmon and salads for dinner :)

~So, that's pretty much Day 7 in a nutshell ;) !!~


  1. Great job on the thing say this is day 7, what happened to day 5 and 6?

  2. That was my question. (day 5 & 6)??? But don't want to bombard you with too many questions, just want to understand. LOL...Fun pictures. In WI we have deer and their young in our back yards, in AK they have moose. Nice to have wild life around. Camera sure takes good pictures...

  3. I was wondering how day 7 came so fast ;) and one question isn't bombarding, I was making fun of my mom as per usual.

    Hm, well deer and moose... not QUITEE the same

  4. there was supposed to be a ":)" after that last comment it didnt post...

  5. Good pictures. You must have taken two naps and thought days had passed -- otherwise time just seems like one long day up there.

  6. thanks, and why would i waste my time like that? ;)
