Saturday, June 26, 2010

Day 15

Today Deb, Ralph and I went on a hike at Diamond Creek, which was starting uphill. downhill to the beach, then back uphill to the car.

After lunch, Deb, Grandma and I went to Ptarmigan, and then Save U more to get a chicken for dinner

I finished my bat!!!!!!! :) :) :)

Once my bat was done we went to Grandma and Papa's to play a game of cards (that I oh-so-skillfully won ;) and then we came back across the driveway and watched a documentary :) SPIT RUN TOMORROW, WOO-WOO!!!


  1. Oh, that beautiful bird. Great flight picture. Hard to believe it is real. Need to print it.
    Nice looking bat. Amazing what can be done with a raw piece of wood. Keep it up!!

  2. Your bat looks great! Now you can get started on Grandma's plant stand!

  3. What is this place called Ptarmigan? Wiki says it's a peak outside Anchorage. Cool "bat" -- more like a billystick ...

    Good pics!
